2010 m. rugpjūčio 18 d., trečiadienis

MultiEdit component for DevExpress Express Application Framework (XAF)

It is a common situation, that You want to update multiple objects.
DevExpress recommends writing a controller for each and every time You want to do so.

Well, i don't think so. I've implemented a "MultiEdit" controller, so one can easily update a list of objects.

Say You have a list of objects - like this :

and You want to update Fields like "Design pressure" for all selected objects.
Of course You can open each of them, and change them one by one. But :)

Select "MultiEdit" - that shows a Detail View for a objects selected, change the property You want, and press OK

It then Show's You what will be changed, and the progress of operation if very many objects are being updated.

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